12). Passengers foot well

Before I could move on to the passengers side frame rail, I needed to rebuild the foot well. But just like the floor board, it was completely rusted out and then covered with sheet metal and body filler, so I had to cut it all out.

And that left a huge hole that would require a ton of new steel. So I began by creating a piece that would roughly fit the opening I had cut out and worked from there.

It ain’t pretty, but it did the job.

Completed, from the other side.

And here it is after I slathered some more seam sealer over the welds.

This was still early in the build and I was trying to figure out the best way to go about sheet metal fabrication and approached it with a, “try to cover as much area with a single piece of metal” attitude. Which sort of worked but I needed to fine tune my methods.

I was also still learning the nuances of welding thin metal and it showed. My welds looked like crap and I was warping the steel in several places.

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