19). Front undercoating

I’m probably making more work than necessary for myself, but before I applied undercoating to the bottom of the car, I added a little body filler in a couple spots that my fabrication skills weren’t quite up to par.

After that had been sorted, I began mixing up some undercoating that was originally intended to be a truck bed liner and began to apply it to the underside of the car.

Here’s what I learned from this experience. One, you can apply it in much colder temperatures than the instructions claim and it’ll adhere just fine.

Two, it really does take two coats to get adequate coverage. And three, it turned out better than expected.

Oh and four, I can be a real impatient bastard. Wait, I already knew that. As you can tell I hadn’t finished all of the fabrication yet, because like I said, impatience.

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