20). Inner fender fabrication

Since I had gotten ahead of myself with the undercoating, I still needed to complete some fabrication on the front bumper and hood attachment locations on the inner fender. So I cut out the rusted portions and welded in new steel. I ended up having to do both sides.

First the passengers side…

Then the drivers side.

Once I had both sides taken care of, I needed to recreate the angled bumper support bracket as the original was beyond saving. I fabricated these out of 14 gauge and reused the nuts from the original bracket.

Then I welded them onto the inner wing and coated the entire lot in seam sealer. I get a little carried away with the seam sealer sometimes.

After that was all said and done, I painted on a couple layers of undercoating and was happy with the outcome. Even if it is a bit hard to see what’s going on in the picture below.

I’m aware that the car doesn’t have undercoating applied past the end of the front fender, where the headlight bucket starts. But for the sake of consistency, I decided to take it all the way to the nose of the car. Should’t hurt, and in my mind, it may help add another layer of rust prevention.

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