21). Painting the engine bay

As usual, I was working on things out of the order they should be done in. Like painting the engine bay. I had planned on painting it prior to applying the undercoating, swear… But I wanted a particular flat black that I was having a hard time finding. That, combined with impatience, meant I painted the engine bay last.

Here it is after the first light coat of flat black was applied.

The paint I ended up using was an aerosol flat that probably cost more than it should have, but went on really nicely, almost like using a paint gun. Dried super quickly too, only drawback was, it took several coats to cover properly.

Most importantly though, it turned out the way I wanted it to.

I still need to give it a coat of automotive flat clear, but I was happy with how it looked.

Now on to the fun part, rebuilding the suspension.

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