29). Drivers transverse link

By now I’d gotten everything from the rear end rebuilt and refurbished with the exception of the strut assemblies. So I started with the drivers side.

Which was a little worse for wear as you can see here. The parking brake cable had rusted through and snapped when I was removing the suspension.

But as John Lee Hooker once said, that don’t confront me, so on to disassembly I went.

Contrary to what I’d read regarding removal of the spindle pin from the transverse link, it came out easily with a few good whacks from a dead blow hammer.

So all that was left to do now was… wash, rinse and repeat.

Since these are just formed sheet metal pieces, there was some damage that I needed to hammer out, but aside from that, things were going well.

I hadn’t replaced the bushing on these yet either because I’m still up in the air as to whether I’m going to buy replacement rubber bushings or make my own polyurethane bushings tailored to the kind of driving I’ll be doing with this car.

After I finished the transverse link, I attempted to remove the axle shaft but it was being stubborn. So I moved on to the shock cap and spring. I omitted pictures of rust proofing and primer, but I assure you I did them.

And yes, that is the spring hanging from my washer and dryer inside my house. It was like 40 degrees that day and the paint I was using didn’t like to dry in cold weather. So I brought it inside.

Now this is where the project took a bit of a detour. I struggled to remove the drivers side rear stub axle from the wheel hub and became sort of burnt out on restoring the car in general. That combined with the fact that I got properly sick around this time, I just didn’t feel like working on the z. Once I began to feel better, I started working at a new job and that had most of my attention for nearly a year.

I hadn’t forgotten about the 240 though. I tinkered with a couple things here and there, but I just wasn’t feeling as motivated and didn’t really get back to it until about February of 2017.

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