30). Withdraw the spindle

Want to hear a good joke?

Withdraw the spindle, and separate the transverse link from the strut assembly.

What can I say about removing the spindle from a 240z that hasn’t already been said before? Well, for one, the drivers side spindle came out with very little effort and I thought folks were just over exaggerating about how difficult they were to remove.

 I was wrong.

This fucker had officially become my nemesis. I started out using a dead blow hammer and when that didn’t make it budge, I threaded on an NPT fitting so I could get some serious blows in without damaging the threads.

No dice. I went through a few of those fittings actually. Nothing would work… heat, penetrating fluid, voodoo dances, nothing. So I finally gave in and decided I would sacrifice the spindle and just beat the living shit out of it until it came out.

To my surprise, that didn’t even work. I just ended up mushrooming one end to the point where I had to chop it off with an angle grinder, and began to wail on the spindle with a hammer and a piece of threaded rod that was about the same size. Progress was so slow I truly couldn’t even tell if it was moving.

No joke, this took forever.

After I finally removed the damn spindle, it was business as usual.

With the transverse links, springs and shock caps done, it was time to tackle removing the stub axle from the wheel hub.

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